from somewhere in the city

Hello and welcome back to my blog:)
I asked a few photographers to share a couple of their favorite shots within a city- from any location, day or night, recent or old.

I really enjoyed the variation of styles, stories and inspiration throughout these images and I hope you do too!

I’ll start off with a few of my faves…..

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For as long as I’ve been lurking downtown Phoenix, I still manage to get new shots that I really love. This is one of those. Moody tones and hues, a little green and a little grain.

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This Portland skyline was breathtaking to me. I had this rooftop to myself while capturing this and I’ll never forget the feeling of watching the Sun go down and shadows set…

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From a busy night in LA gettin’ into all kinds of shenanigans. While likely trying to find parking, I was able to take a few bokeh shots. I love the memories tied to nights in the city like these.

Photographer: Mars

It’s so hard to pick what city images I like the best, but having picked these I hope they catch your eye like they do mine!

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The Newest neighborhood in New York known as the Hudson Yards, one of my favorites shots I took while visiting NYC.

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A sucker for Black & White! On a rare snowy day in DT Atlanta looking up.

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New York City in a nutshell, the traffic is always chaotic with a nice touch from a moody day in NYC.

Photographer: Gabriel Castrillo

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One of my favorite photos I've taken. To me, the most exciting part of photography is when you get lucky with a moment in time. I try to go shoot in the rain because I like the way the puddles reflect colors and light. The night this was taken it was extremely dark and stormy. For about 10 minutes, the sun was below the clouds and gave the burst of orange that really made this shot.

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I lived in Memphis for the first year of the pandemic and got bored taking photos of how empty the city was. Now that things are more normal, these photos seem absurd in retrospect. This is a main highway in Memphis that connects shipping routes so to see it totally empty is surreal in hindsight.

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Similar to my first one, this was a time of going out in the rain and hoping for the best. Pittsburgh has a lot of alleyways downtown and this one has this light installation. I wanted to capture it for a long time but hadn't got lucky with the time and place. I crouched in the alley waiting for someone to walk by so I had something in the line of vision and a few minutes later I got what I was hoping for.

Photographer: Russ Schaffer

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City Night

There was something about seeing the city from a distance. All the roaming hills of the building. But this spot from pier 39, I sometimes feel a photograph does not do it justice.

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Market street is an adventure that can’t be finished in one day. I spent a big portion of my day just admiring the architecture. Some of them have stood there for over 100 years. Incredible.

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First sight 

After taking the tram from Oakland and walking out of the station. This image captured my first sight of San Francisco. And the light post was so welcoming.

Photographer: Pedro

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The Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. I chose this photo because originally I am from Ireland and moved to the United States at age 11. I had the opportunity of showing my new wife my home country, and brought her here. It wasn't a bright and sunny day outside, but I prefer the weather conditions like this due to the low hanging fog draped on the side of the cliffs. Looking at this picture, I feel something; nostalgia, pride, and hope for the future.

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The City of Boston, USA. I chose this image because I like the moody, and ominous vibe it portrays. I like the old pier pilings from years past that still stick up in the Boston Harbor. The city that I came up in, became a man in. A lot of my personal work may seem a little dark, and this image personifies what I try to implement into my photography (usually): a sense of solitude and a sense of uncomfortableness.

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Philadelphia, PA - United States. I chose this image because I like how Philadelphia felt, it felt like a less-proper and "cookie-cutter" Boston - it was rough, it was gritty, and it was real. I took this photo on a Fujifilm X-T3, and I selected the 27mm lens, which was perfect for the framing. I'm not from Philly, but this flick I feel may have conveyed that rough, Philly street vibe that only the locals know and I tried my best to have that resonated in the framing and the edit.

Photographer: Tiernan Pardue

I loved creating this post!

Thank you to all of the talented photographers for sharing these moments! Be sure to check out more of their work!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and enjoy the rest of your day!

